Angela Caro Rojas
Global leader in medication safety, currently president of the International Society of Pharmacovigilance (ISoP), an institution with presence in 100 countries, whose mission is to improve the medication safety worldly.
Pharmacist, Epidemiologist, Ms Pharmaceutical Care, MSc Education. With more than 20 years of experience, she is an international consultant and lecturer in pharmacovigilance, safe use of medications and medical devices, patient safety, patient education, leadership and communication. Member of Research Ethics Committees, she was president of the Colombian Pharmacovigilance Association for 5 years, founding member and Co-chair of the ISoP Special Interest Group (SIG) “Medication errors”. ISoP SIG Risk Communication and SIG Patient Engagement member.
Founding member of Latin American Network of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare Systems (RELAESA). Currently Pharmacy Career Director in Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.